Friday, September 9, 2011

Alliterative Text Designed to show creativity, well not yet.

When Rob Neyer wrote for ESPN, he used to put the list of links on Friday under the heading of Friday Filberts.  Well, I can't think of a creative way to put a title for my links.  But today, it will be called Friday Fun.

At the beginning of the year, I got into a lengthy argument on the ESPN comment section about whether or nor the Twins would compete this year.  Well, I was right.  Who know how long it will take to fix?

You can read some of the points I brought up on my old blog, well most of my points where about how terrible I thought (and think) Bill Smith is.

Fangraphs has another take on the Twins.

Sometimes, well actually about 33% of the time, I'll post something that is political in nature.  I have a lot of Facebook friends who say things like "we should drug test all those people on welfare, everyone on welfare is a drug user, they're costing the state so much money!"  Well, to that I have this to say and also this. 

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